Elizabeth Rogers PT

What you’ve been missing (It’s OK, we have a spot for you!)

Physical therapy and Pilates

It’s time to spill the beans on what makes Pilates with our team so freaking fantastic!

We see you & we know you

We’re able to look at the way you walk in the door, take your shoes on and off, stand up and sit down and know where you are lacking strength or flexibility. 

We’re always watching how you move, because it truly informs what exercises we select for you.

Posture is integral to healthy aging

Postural strengthening is an integral part of our Pilates sessions. We choose exercises that combat the effects of gravity and devices and keep you standing tall and looking younger.

We’re not just “teaching classes” here

We plan each Pilates session for each client every time, even our trio sessions. We know what each client needs to work on to keep improving their strength and mobility. And we keep it fresh so you don’t get bored and your body remains challenged. 

We only use top-of-the line Pilates equipment

The Reformer isn’t the only Pilates equipment available. Our studios have all Pilates apparatuses, whereas most home gyms and other PT clinics only have a Reformer. 

All these different apparatuses will challenge your body in different ways to support your overall strength and agility. 

Pilates studios that are focused on classes, often only have classes on the Reformer. If you’re only working out on the Reformer, you’re missing out on all the benefits of at least 50% of the Pilates repertoire. All of our clients workout on all of the Pilates equipment. 

Your injuries don’t deter us

It’s not uncommon for us to get one of our clients back to their Pilates sessions within a few weeks of surgery. We find it minimizes the compensatory patterns that develop during the early post-op period, which makes recovery faster and easier. 

Knee replacement? ACL reconstruction? 

No problem. 

Knees love the Pilates equipment! Even those replaced knees. 

Shoulder surgery? We can work your lower body and core and the shoulder that didn’t have surgery (which BTW will help your post-op shoulder thanks to the magic of our brain and nervous system!), even while you’re in your sling. 

Tackle those aches and pains on the spot

Many of our clients take Pilates with us 1-2x/week, so when something starts to hurt, they ask us about it right away. Sometimes we’ll give them a few tips to try to resolve it on their own. 

In other cases, we advise them to schedule a PT session, so we can get rid of the problem right away. 

And when I say “right away”, I mean in a session or two. 

Research shows that early intervention shortens the course of care necessary for musculoskeletal injuries. 

In other words, seeing your physical therapist sooner is the key to getting back to doing what you love. It also means we won’t need to see you for as many visits. 

Ready to add Pilates into your fitness routine?

I’ve got some great news!

In January, we have room for 3 new private Pilates clients! 

And these trio sessions have a space available and we’re always adding more sessions:

Mount Baker:

Mondays 11am or 3pm

Thursdays 7am or 9am

Fridays 1pm


Tuesdays 9am

If you have questions about how to get started with Pilates or you’re ready to get on the Pilates schedule, call/text (206) 535-7356 today or simply reply to this email.

See you in the studio!

