Elizabeth Rogers PT


Nerves: What are they and how do they work?

For many people, nerves are often under estimated when they talk about pain. Typically, muscles, joints, bones and other soft tissues get blamed for being sources of pain (ie, “tight hamstrings and tight hip flexors”, “bulging disc in the spine”, or “bad knees”). Not that

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Injury Prevention in Youth Athletes

More than 50% of all high school students play a sport. Knee injuries are the most common injuries reported among young athletes, particularly ACL injuries, which account for more than 50% of high school athletic surgeries. Given the prevalence of knee injuries in youth sports,

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Ways to Manage Your Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a debilitating disease that impairs the quality of life in adolescent and adult females. Sorry – not exactly the best news of the day. But March is endometriosis awareness month, and it’s important to discuss a condition that affects females across the lifespan.

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Why Strengthen the Hips for Knee Pain?

A common question that patients ask their physical therapist is “why are you treating my hip when I am coming in for knee pain?” This is a valid question and one that warrants discussion. After all, in order to heal and get better, you want

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Pilates & Pelvic Health

When we think of Pilates, we think of controlled movement patterns that work through a range of motion which ultimately come together in a gentle flow with ease and fluidity. The breath adds elements of concentration and precision in the sequencing of the movement. The

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Pelvic Organ Prolapse: Build a Better House

One of the more, shall we say “annoying”, pelvic health dysfunctions is called pelvic organ prolapse (POP). Gravity plays somewhat of a larger role in this condition. This means when you’re walking, jogging, gardening, chasing those children (or grandchildren) around, or simply even doing household

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Bladder Habits: Fun Facts & Healthy Habits

When we’re young, our first big achievement is mastering the art of going potty. Parents are both proud and relieved, while children gain a new level of confidence and independence. However, as we move into adulthood, it is not uncommon for us to adopt some

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Texting and Neck Pain

Is your smart phone causing a pain in your neck? Chances are that you probably haven’t given much thought to how your neck and back are faring in the era of the smart phone, but studies show that you most certainly should. It’s practically a

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We’re a Seattle-based Physical Therapy clinic and Pilates studio committed to compassionate care, unmatched accessibility to providers, convenience and respect. Here you’ll find articles and expert tips from our team of physical therapists to help you prevent injuries and treat injuries when they occur so that you can maintain the active lifestyle you desire.

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